— The Model and the Modeled
How can we locate an architectural idea within the bigger scale of the city of Singapore? We follow the discussions about Singapore being a model for Asia’s future development. Somehow, perhaps because models are literally a very architectural concept, the critical issue became the model itself. But the question is not so much, “What kind of model is Singapore?” but “What is the model for Singapore?” And of course: it is Sentosa! The little fantasy island at the southern tip of Singapore. Just look at the development of both from 1942 to 2012. It is just about the same!
So if we want to know more about the future of Singapore, we just have to carefully look at the map of Sentosa. It is much more than a hysterical Coney Island. This is in fact the very Simulation Platform of Singapore.
Wouldn’t it be nice if every city had such a mini version of itself in order to conduct urban experiments?