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Chair of Architecture and Urban Design
Asst. Prof. Dr. Alex Lehnerer
Grand Urban Rules

Design Rules and Design With Rules!

Cities as cultural products are neither ‘built’ nor ‘planned,’ at best they are guided and steered in a certain direction. Therefore, rules and regulations are one of the few tools that are actually suitable to guide future development within such collective and complex urban settings.

We strongly believe that the field of (urban) design should not simply adhere to these standards as some neutrally existing context but should actively engage in discussing them in order to make them subject to design as well. read more

Office for urban regulation

Parking Requirements

Los Angeles / Houston

There must be 1.33 parking spaces for each bedroom.

  • Not only beds but also office chairs are by rule connected to one another. Downtown parking in Los Angeles.

Rule category

Contextual Regimes: issues depending on the immediate context and its preservation, economic and social regimes, traditions, etc.
The Kind of Rule
Rule that is tied to a certain zone.
Rule that stipulates a lower limit.
Rule that works as reference, ratio, or dependency.
Rule that has a strong influence on urban density and its distribution.
Rule that influences programmatic and functional issues.
Plot/Block Rule: Rule that relates to the scale of a city block or plot.